GSRC Services
GSRC offers graduate students access to 250 pages of free black and white printing per quarter (including summer).
Graduate Student AdvocacyThe Graduate Student Resource Center staff serve on various campus committees supporting graduate students' needs and resources.
Graduate Writing CenterThe Graduate Writing Center offers free appointments with writing consultants, workshops, and a variety of online resources.
Information and ReferralsHave a question about navigating UCLA and its many resources? We can help make a referral or provide that information!
Visa Document ScanningWe provide scanning and copies for visa related documents related to the Dashew Center requirements.
Weekly Resource Drop-In HoursEach quarter, various campus resources host graduate student specific drop-in hours. Resources have included Financial Wellness, Fellowships, and Graduate Support.
Room ReservationGraduate/Professional student organizations at UCLA have the ability to reserve the common area of the GSRC (afterhours) or the Conference room 4 in SAC to hold their meetings/events with the approval of the GSRC Programing Committee. Submit this form for PC Review.